An OUI case should not be taken casually because it can result in severe consequences such as heavy penalties and imprisonment. It is strongly recommended not to drink and drive the vehicle because you can put your and others’ lives in danger. You will have to undergo a breath test so that the amount of alcohol can be estimated. There are instances when the driver does not cooperate with the officials and hence, may get serious charges. To deal with these charges, it is advised to hire a Barnstable oui lawyer.
Factors that affect your OUI case
It is much more than getting charged with the offense. Your overall record and behavior will also make a great difference to your case. Some of the factors affecting your case are elaborated below:
Your previous driving record
It has been observed that if you have been charged with these offenses before, your penalties may be more severe the next time. At the time of hearing the case, the judge will consider your past record of driving and offenses. Depending on this, he will give his verdict. That’s why, it is suggested to avoid driving when you are drunk.
Your cooperation with the officials
It has been observed that many people don’t want to cooperate because they want to avoid going to court or the police station. This may cause more complications for the accused. The judge will take into account all these factors at the time of judgment. The penalties may be softer for the ones, who did not argue or fight with the system.
The impact of the offense
The judge will also look into the case by keeping in mind if you jumped the red light, caused injuries or damages to others or any other effects on the offense. If the damages are severe, you will have to face serious penalties and even imprisonment if anyone gets seriously injured or even dies.
Test results
Most importantly, test results will speak for you. If the amount of alcohol is more, you will have to face serious consequences. Drunken driving is a criminal offense and hence, should be avoided at all costs. Your lawyer may defend you with facts like the condition of the test machines or the official’s attitude at the time of the test. However, if these results are unfavorable, you will be fined and may be sent to jail.
A good OUI lawyer should be hired if you want to reduce your charges.
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