If you own an eCommerce site and a blog, there is a chance that you may be receiving less traffic due to a few common design mistakes. If your customers come to your website and do not find what they are searching for, they are likely to navigate away. In most cases, they will opt to visit your competitor’s website. To fix up your block design mistakes, contact website design Malaysia.
Here are a few common mistakes most often made by E-commerce sites
Allowing the blog to be the first thing seen
When visitors come to eCommerce websites, they expect to see the home page, not the blog. When they come to the home page, they can understand if they will find what they’re looking for, whether your products interest them, and where to go next. However, when they see a blog instead of the homepage, they get confused about where the product is, what is the price, and what should be their next step? Therefore, there is a strict navigation flow error. You can contact web design KL to help you with your blog navigational needs.
The blog is not part of the website.
Often, you may have noticed that an E-commerce website has a section that is labelled as a blog. When you click on the blog label section, any of the following may happen:
- You’ll end up on a new page that is entirely different from the primary side.
- The blog you are taken to does not look like the primary site. It has an entirely different design, and it uses your confusion.
- The blog is located on a free platform that has you worried if the business is a small one.
Cluttered look
If the blog is cluttered, visitors are likely to leave soon. Cluttered content hurts the reader’s mind when they have to process too much information in one go. It also hampers their ability to quickly find the information that they are looking for. Too many choices confuse the visitors. Thus, they leave the blog and look for another blog.
No promotion
No business in the world does not have an account on social media. If you do not utilize social media for growing and showcasing your business, you are going to lose. You are responsible for promoting your products. You can also choose your blog for promotion purposes. Have a sidebar that links to your promotional products so that customers can easily navigate to the E-commerce site.
Getting sidetracked
This most often happens without the people even realizing it. A lot of eCommerce businesses think that their blog should be a massive success for the E-commerce website to be successful. Therefore, they put their full attention and energy into growing the blog. This is a huge mistake. You are a company person, and you have a business to run. You should focus more on the company. The blog should be a means of driving customers towards your business website.
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